The Heron Fund Your gift to this unrestricted fund provides the most flexibility to support the evolving needs of our community. The Heron Fund may also provide resident support.
The Good Neighbor Fund Your support of this fund helps to provide assistance to residents in financial need, providing quality of life when one needs it the most.
The Green Fund Provides you with the opportunity to support a program that can provide funding for the implementation of sustainability projects and ideas to help save utility costs and reduce the carbon footprint of the oranization and individual residents.
Art of Living Well Fund Allows you to direct your donation to specific programs and projects at Willamette View.
Honoring the Aging MindSM Initiatives Your gift will be used to help support programs that acknowledge and normalize the continuum of memory decline, addressing the fear of loss of independence, and creating peace of mind for our community through program elements specifically designed for residents and families as well as our staff. Imagine Willamette View as a community transforming the experience of aging, by honoring the aging mind.
Employee Education & Development Fund Provides a way for you to support an investment in the education of employees, resulting in a committed, motivated workforce and better quality services. This fund includes the Alan Fibish Employee Scholarship Endowment.
Your gifts to these essential funds will provide support for the evolving needs of residents and employees.
Only complete this section if your donation is being made in Memory or in Honor, of someone special.
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